
Electronic Industry Realities

As microprocessors, semiconductors and other electronic components become ever-smaller, the importance of accurate microscopy continues to grow. In small footprints, the margin of error for measurement accuracy is virtually nonexistent. Only the most sophisticated and highest resolution metrology solutions can deliver the precision necessary for success.

delicate components

Delicate Components

Today’s electronics manufacturers are tasked with delivering more processing power in less space—which requires smaller components, maximum efficiency and razor-sharp accuracy. Small components like wafers or comparators are often too fragile or sensitive for traditional contact metrology. Innovative Mitutoyo Vision Measuring Systems, microscopes and microscope objectives are able to quickly inspect fragile components without touch probes at incredible accuracies.

Rapid Iterations

Innovation moves fast in the electronics industry. Manufacturers must keep inspection speeds high to meet market demand and keep pace with new design elements. At the same time, these fast-moving and complex production processes must assure consistent accuracy and speed. Mitutoyo offers a variety of Vision Measuring Systems that feature high speeds, high accuracy and high throughput electronics manufacturers rely on.

Mitutoyo’s Expertise

Measuring delicate components requires microscopic accuracy, and Mitutoyo brings over 80 years of expertise in precise, reliable measurement. From micrometers and vision lasers with 0.1m resolution to bench-type non-contact CMMs, our electronics and semiconductor metrology equipment helps manufacturers ensure accurate production.

High-res optical solutions with high-contrast images across a broad light spectrum

Streamlined data acquisition to enable faster inspection speeds

Non-contact and vision measurement for small or delicate components

Electronics Metrology Solutions by Mitutoyo

From advanced sensor scanning solutions to polarization microscopes with ultraviolet through near infrared capabilities, Mitutoyo delivers the metrology solutions needed to keep the electronics industry on track and within tolerances.
vision measuring machines
Vision Measuring Machines

Mitutoyo builds a wide array of highly accurate, best-in-class vision systems for non-contact measurement applications

Optical Measurement

Our high-resolution microscopes and profile projectors measure minuscule electronic components with high accuracy and repeatability

small tool instruments and data management
Small Tool Instruments and Data Management

Easily manage your measurement data using a Mitutoyo data management system powered by MeasurLink® software

Sensor Systems

As an industry-leading provider of contact and non-contact sensor systems, Mitutoyo supports your strictest measurement needs

coordinate measuring machines
Coordinate Measuring Machines

Capable of both contact and non-contact measurement, our CMM solutions are ideal for 3D inspection